The work day flew by and I came home to an evening of TV and Zuma. Zuma is not my new beau, but is a computer game. It’s the kind you can play free online but to get the full effect you need to get the free download. It lets you play free for one hour and then you either have to buy it or go back to playing the online version. Being the addictive personality that I am, I bought it. What a riot. I’m on level 13. That’s a level that you don’t even know exists until after you complete 10-12, which you didn’t know existed either. The game only shows 1-9 levels. Bad enough. But then the world opens up to reveal levels 10 through 12. I thought “how fun is this? More levels.” When I finished them last night and level 13 revealed itself, I was gutted. Will this never end? This level is in SPACE and is really cool. Really cool. But the addiction will never end as long as they keep giving me new levels. I must clean my house as I have company coming next Friday. END THE MADNESS!
It’s been cold all day with just smatterings of precipitation. I’m waiting for SUN!
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