Wednesday, April 28, 2004

28 April, Wednesday: Raining. Same song, different verse.

Ate healthy food today. Okay, the day isn't over yet, but let me bask in the accomplishment of staying on the diet for 1/2 day.

I sent an email I shouldn’t have sent and hurt someone’s feelings a little. Luckily I found out and was able to apologize to her. Apologies are all well and good, but I’m reminded of the story of the little boy who always said things he was sorry for later. When reprimanded by his dad he said, “Well, I told them I was sorry. I took it back.” Then Dad took out a board, some nails, and a hammer. He said, “Hammer the nails into the board.” After the boy had done that the dad said, “Now take them out, take them back.”

After the boy was finished, the dad pointed out that even though the boy removed the nails, the holes were still there. Same thing with harsh or unthinking words. The damage remains, even when we apologize, or take back our words.

Do you think I could be more melodramatic? I just heard from this person, who is fast becoming a friend of mine, and she felt bad because I felt bad because she felt bad, ad infinitum. Enough obsessing on my faults. And I’ve also just found out that she has a website that is an absolute scream. It’s had 93,000 hits in a year, which is superb. I’ve heard of it before, it’s For anyone out there who is single, go to her site and laugh. Okay, even if you aren’t single you can read it and enjoy.

The weather got worse by evening. It got colder. Over the weekend I taunted the weather by wearing summer sandals in the cool rain. I think I pissed it off.

Rehearsal was fun as usual. Bron had a cold, so wasn’t feeling too good. But the rest of us had fun. I’m looking forward to “playing” on Monday at the pub in Chorley.