Tuesday, April 27, 2004

27 April, Tuesday: Raining again today. So what else is new?

Well, tomorrow I’m going back on my healthy eating plan through ediets.com. I’d lost a lot of weight last year and have gained back some while living here in the land of custard. So on the way home tonight I have to stock up on my menu items. My only complaint is that I don’t like the British peanut butter.

Some fun news: Our new staff member from Ireland will stay at my flat one night. (I have an extra bedroom and full bath.) I’m so excited since I haven’t had any overnight visitors. Chris is a great guy—probably about my son’s age. But he’s funny, and fun, and I know I’ll enjoy having a guest. I told him about my quest to bring home an “Irish lad” for myself, and he says if I come to the area he and his wife live in, all I’ll find are farmers. Guess they aren’t likely to want to be my “boy toy” in the US.

Just received a wonderful donation from a friend at work. Every year when he donates, I get teary-eyed. He gives in memory of his mother, and it always makes me remember when my own mother died, too.

Had a cheery end to my evening. After going to Tesco’s and buying healthy food and LUGGING it home and up the stairs, I made dinner and then saw an instant message from my daughter. I called her and spoke to her and Kayla. Hunter was napping and Todd was out of town, but we girls had a good conversation. And webcams are awesome. I got to see their smiling faces. Love it.