Tuesday, May 18, 2004

18 May, Tuesday: Up at 6:55. Woke up B and R at 8:30. A and S went to work at 9:30, and said goodbye to them with lots of hugs and kisses and promises to meet in America at Christmas and in Poland next year.

Bea made breakfast and then I finished packing. We left the house at 11:10 to catch the 11:32 bus to the airport. The walk was short and the sun was shining, but the wind was horrible.

At the airport I checked in and then we went for coffee. Rob had a Carlsberg. We kissed and hugged a lot as I left but it wasn’t as bad as it was last time, as I know I’ll see them in June or September.

The BA flight was uneventful except that the food was really good, for a flight of only an hour and a half. A melted cheese sandwich with fantastic bread, fruit salad, muffin and a Kit Kat bar. I almost didn’t get back into the country. An immigration agent said I wasn’t allowed to leave the country and return again, even though I had a work permit. Finally two other agents told him to get over himself (basically) and he said I could return.

I took a train from Heathrow to Paddington Station and then a taxi to the hotel. I have a horrible feeling that that’s going to be the extent of my London sightseeing.

When I got out of the cab, I noticed I had a welcoming party—Simon, Kevin and Christopher were sitting on the patio enjoying drinks. So before I even checked in, I had a beer with the lads. After I checked in we walked a block or so for an early dinner. Italian and VERY good. I made it back to my room by 7:40 and caught up on my email, at least a little. Phone usage costs are exorbitant.

Went to bed around 11.


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