Tuesday, March 09, 2004

9 March, Tuesday: Couldn’t sleep last night. Don’t know if it was because of excitement or because of the coffee. Probably a combination. Got less than four hours sleep.

I’ve got work to do while on holiday, and it needs to be done by Wednesday night. I’m writing it here as a reminder for me to do the work. It’ll have to be done in between grandkids’ hugs.

Joined the Forum for the World Comedy League. You need to be a “pro” to join but I got approval. Why? Because I asked. I’m grateful and know I’ll learn a lot. I browsed yesterday and found some good info on different improve games.

I’m writing while sitting in the Manchester Airport lounge, waiting to board the first plane. I’m so excited about seeing Jill and the kids. Todd is on a business trip but I’ll see him Thursday night.

This gate area isn’t quite as fun as when I sat in Chicago waiting to come here in January. I’m smiling as I remember the young Mormon missionaries setting out on their first assignments, and to the UK no less. I thought about them the other day when I saw a kid in a black suit in Altrincham and wondered how they were getting on.

Later: On the plane from the UK I saw two movies I really liked. The first was In America. Even though I’d heard wonderful things about it, I’m a freak for comedies (and musicals), so didn’t know how much I’d enjoy it. Wow. It was great. My new love is Paddy Considine. I think Irish guys are cute anyway, but this one has a slightly off-kilter face that appeals. Plus he did a wonderful acting job. Samantha Morton was so good as well, and the two young girls are sisters in real life—I think their names were Sarah and Emma Bolger. The other guy’s name escapes me—Dmonjou something or other. Very good.

The second movie was Secondhand Lions—a comedy with Haley Joel Osment, Michael Caine and Robert Duvall—with Kyra Sedgewick. Funny and passed the time quite nicely.

Our flight got in about 45 minutes early. Captain said, “We’re about 150 miles from Chicago and will be landing in about 25 miles.” We all laughed and someone else in the cockpit must have told him what he said. He came back on with a chuckle in his voice and said, “That’s 25 minutes. We’ll be landing in 25 minutes.”

Got through Immigration in Chicago with no problem. Saw a huge line of people sitting on chairs against a wall where signs said, “New Immigrants Only.” No one looked happy but rather frazzled, exhausted, and some—almost shell-shocked.

As I picked up my bags to go through Customs, a dog sniffed one of my carry-ons and the officer questioned me. No, it wasn’t a drug dog, it was a meat and fruit dog. A cute little beagle. After I denied having meat or fruit, the officer asked if I’d had fruit in the bag recently. I said, ye, that yesterday I had an orange in it when I went to the office. So the doggie got a “good boy,” and I got a trip to the agriculture inspector. Asked if I had any food at all. I said, “Yes, I have candy for my grandchildren.” I didn’t see any need to add that some of the candy was for my co-workers in Milwaukee.

On the trip from Chicago to LA I saw the movie School of Rock. A super, laugh-out-loud vehicle for Jack Black. He basically played himself, and it was hilarious. You have to like him to like his movies, but this one was full of grade school kids and was definitely fun for children as well.

After arriving in LA, I rushed toward the place where travellers are greeted. And I heard “Grandma, Grandma” being screamed and a little four-year-old sweetie ran toward me yelling my name. I scooped up Kayla and got rewarded with hugs and kisses. Then saw Jill and Hunter. Kissed my daughter and then grabbed Hunter from her. Jill took my luggage while I carried Kayla and Hunter. What a treat.

It was late and I’d been awake for 20 hours, after sleeping less than 4, but suddenly felt energized. We stopped at a Chili’s for a quick dinner. Kids ate mac and cheese and I had a super time just talking with them and with Jill of course.

I went to bed when the kids did, at 8:30. Woke up several times during the night but went right back to sleep. Hope I feel human soon! (Times are going to be screwy on this, since I'm leaving the computer time at GMT, and LA is -8.)